We Need Your Help

Financial or any kind of help, either in cheque or in kind (by promoting Tinni's cause in the philanthropic community) will be highly appereciated.

We can learn a lot from Tinni and her friends! The beauty of their souls, simple and unadulterated, never fails to inspire a wonderful sense of fulfilment in every heart they touch. Like a born-again feeling! By helping secure Tinni's future we will actually gain this deeper sense of worthiness, for us and for humanity in general. Pease join us in this...

If you wish to help us by cash or kind please do fillup the form bellow and send us. We will contact you or you may contact directly at our address.

Cheques / Drafts should be drawn in favour of CAREGIVER TRUST and marked "Account Payee only". Donations are exempt from income tax under u/s 80-G of Income Tax Act.
At present the exemption has been given in perpetuity.

For legal reasons, we cannot yet accept donations in other than Indian rupees. The inconvenience to any donor is regretted.


Caregiver Trust

Your Name:
Postal Address:
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Phone (with STD):
E-mail (if any):
Select type:Cheque   DD Cheque   Cash
Cheque/DD No:
Comments (if any)

Our 'Special Children'